A society, of many religions, post civil war and sixty years after independence from five hundred years of colonial rule....trying to find their place in a modern world.
The conversation in Sri Lanka goes something like this.."Where are you from mister?"..."Australia" I answer.. "Ahh Australia, beautiful country.....Ricky Ponting, Shane Warne, Micheal Clarke!.....". "You like cricket?" I respond....this produces a side to side head wobble and a large smile (yes) "Which city mister...Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne?" .... "Near Brisbane, three hours south"....."Oh..... I have a friend (brother, sister, cousin, know of somebody) who lives in Sydney. Australia is a good country, good jobs and money. How much would this cost in your country?...in Sri Lanka very expensive".....Sometimes you try to justify other times you say it's more expensive in Australia.
Nearly all the conversations in the coastal areas effected by the tsunami would mention that the person they knew in Australia had gotten there by boat and what did I think of that? How else can I get to Australia, maybe you can help me. The people there get good money.....
It all seems to perpetuate from stories of a family that is now rich but who had nothing before a family member had made it to Australia. Earn money and send it home. Helping refuges in Australia, who, in turn help their families in their homelands.
Travelling to Australia to work is not a foreign concept to them as many have spent long periods in other countries working. The Middle East where they work in service or labor industries where the money is no better, but they have work. A sinalese woman from a tsunami effect village left her new born third child to work for six years in a Saudi clothing sweat shop. A young man returned after labouring for five years and hopes to buy his own tuk-tuk with some money he has saved. A young chef at a "fancy" hotel learnt his craft working for five years in Iran for a private american security company, one day he plans to open his own restaurant. Australia is a better option in their minds......
The conversation continues with nearly all asking at some stage......"first time in Sri Lanka mister?"......."yes" is the truthful answer, unless your being sold something, then a claim to previous experience comes in handy.... "How long is your stay?" ......."One month, sometime already .... And some more days to come".... "You will see..........Sigariya, Anaradapura, the high country, the south....?" ...." We have already seen..... And are going to ......." .....All of this is followed by a question which seems to weigh heavily on their minds...."What do you think of Sri Lanka?" they ask as they look deeply into you eyes.....only an honest answer will suffice...."Sri Lanka is also a beautiful country, and the people are honest and friendly....." as you respond the side to side head noddle and smile increases....they are very proud and knowing that they and their country is well thought of is important.
The conversations happen with all manner of people; travelling families (14 in a van), a career navel officer returning to base, a tuk-tuk driver, an educated young woman..... People of all religious or education back grounds thinking as one nation........or just a standard conversation with a tourist.
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